I was more concerned with the windy nights and the coconut trees overhead, the three gecko-stalking cats that would come into the bungalow (had most of the windows and doors wide open).
One evening, a young man that lives and owns a bungalow/bar/restaurant was having a good time drinking on the beach with friends. He was practicing spinning the ropes that often have fire at one end - I know there is a name for this - but I didn't care to remember - sorry! He shrieked in pain over the reggae tunes and crashing surf... all sorts of people (there were only about 12 foreigners at this beach) rushed to see what had happened. Exclaiming in drunken English that his shoulder was out of socket - he sought anyone who could help. First in line, the drunkest of drunks gave his arm a twist and a tug - amidst the moaning and outbursts of pain he gave up... then the next and the next. Finally, it was decided that he need to go by longtail (boat) to the small hospital/clinic in the touristy part of the island. We were on a side of the island taking quite a beating from the waves that night... nonetheless, one of the longtail boat drivers agreed to take him on the 20-30 minute journey. There was much delay in departure as more and more of the people drinking (aka drunks) were wanting to go on a boat ride in complete darkness in a boat with short sides... long story short, everyone started heading back to the bar (naturally) and I asked what the deal? The guy was laying on the 'floor' of the boat - (I'd like to see how he did that! - you know what I mean if you have ever been in a longtail) - the surf pounding on the boat slapped him a few good times in just the right manner and voila - he felt fine - should back into socket. A few more beers and he was no worse for the experience.
I had feelings of wanting to no be such a wuss and try to toughen up my white pansy-ass feet... so off with the sandals (I had forgotten about all of the glass we saw on the beach and picked up)... there was just a tsunami there and all. It wasn't long thereafter that I wandered over to the makeshift bon-fire (camp fire) and almost planted my foot squarly on a board with not one, but two nails sticking out of it - which probably helped me not get thoroughly punctured - I escaped with only minor puncture wounds.
Other than that, I drank a lot of tea and just took it easy with my friend, Zamil, from Australia/UK. It was a week without vices...
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